cracked nipple cream

Preventive measures to avoid cracked nipples

Causes of cracked nipple 

While many of us think cracked lips can only occur to women, it can also happen to men’s as well. But women are more prone to get it, especially breastfeeding mothers as there are a few underlying factors that cause this. One of the most common reasons why breastfeeding mothers always face cracked nipples is because they have problems when it comes to feeding their babies. It’s either they have problems with finding the suitable position to feed their baby or they have problems with the baby’s latch. Sometimes moths often use help when it comes to breastfeeding like breast pumps thinking it could help them ease the process but even then they still face problems like finding the suitable one size and quality wise that fits them well. 

11 Benefits of Breastfeeding for Both Mom and Baby

– Pick a good position 

Positioning is everything when it comes to breastfeeding. It ensures that you and your little one are constantly comfortable despite it all. This would also eventually create a great latch for your baby. If you are a beginner don’t be afraid to try all different types of positions and observe which one works best for your baby, this may take a few weeks so be patient. For beginners you may use methods like the football clutch and also the cross-cradle hold. During this process you may also use a nursing pillow to give you the extra support and help bring your baby to the level of your breast in the process of breastfeeding. 

– Protect the skin around your nipple area

It is important that you give all the proper care to the area around your breast just like how you would do with your leg and arms. You can use products like cracked nipple cream and even moisturizers to help you with the dryness around the area of breast. Try avoiding shower gel that is drying to your skin because this would make it dry even further triggering it to crack. There are also various over the counter products to help you with it. Let’s say if your skin does not take creams like moisturizer try something like oil based products to help you in nourishing and moisturizing your nipple area.

– Be careful while removing your baby after feeding 

Breast pain while breastfeeding - BabyCenter India

A solid seal between your child’s mouth and your breast is made when she successfully latches on and breastfeeds. Do not remove your infant from your breast until it has released his/her hold on you on its own when the feeding is finished. Attempting to pull your child away while the grip is there can be really painful and cause sore nipples so check if your child has released its grip or not before doing so. You can gently place your finger at the side of the infant’s mouth to break the suction of the latch thus making sure you don’t further damage and create pain on your nipple.